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Basic point in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2022-10-04Updated:2022-10-04
Similar words: basic policybasis pointbasic paybasic periodbasic pricebasic principlebase pointpoint for point
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1. The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.
2. Let's begin at the most basic point.
3. From the most basic point of view,( point.html) the capital market is an indispensable function of financing.
4. The basic point is that we do not have the right to deicide for our next generation for how they look.
5. The basic point of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) development for modernization a TCM product.
6. It is necessary to outline our basic point of view.
7. This is the basic point of private right protection in macro-control.
8. With Brandt we understood his basic point only too well.
9. Within a short space I have been concerned to make two basic points in this chapter.
10. The great success of our air campaign flowed from a strong quality foundation, shaped on those three basic points.
11. The author holds that business earnings, taking protective measures for money capital as a basic point, should include holding income and net profit after tax.
12. Note that, at this point, I chose to disambiguate the nouns and the verb only to make a basic point.
13. Is a land contract to the collective contract, we must grasp this basic point.
14. So, it is a goal of government procurement to reduce government's purchase cost, and a basic point of improving the government procurement benefit as well.
15. We shall not belabor the issues here except to note that the basic point of difference lies in the view regarding the meaning-of probability measures.
16. That kind taking the front cover of the painting form and stereotyped text format as basic point only binds a external packing .
17. In order to establish Chinese retrieval language, it is necessary to put the basic point on the Chinese grammar characteristics, so as to achieve the most effective results for indexing and searching.
18. First, while promoting urbanization, the region has taken the development of tourism as a basic point.
19. The Destruction of the Earth is the Li Hongzhi's favorite basic point in every Fa - gathering.
More similar words: basic policybasis pointbasic paybasic periodbasic pricebasic principlebase pointpoint for pointpoint-to-pointbasicbasicsabasicdibasictribasicbasic formbasic lawbasicallybasicitybasic linkbasic stepbasic ratebasic wagebasic linebasic databasic codemonobasicpolybasicbasic blackbasic inputbasic group
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